Basic Electroacoustics II: Music-Making Systems

Music G6602Y
TueThu 3:10-5:00pm
Spring 2008
Professor: Douglas Repetto [douglas at music columbia edu]
TA: Victor Adan [vga2102 at columbia edu]
Our Motto: "Why and how."
syllabus | lectures

March 4th


Last week Victor introduced the basic OOP ideas. OOP techniques lend themselves well to many biological metaphors -- it's easy to think of classes as types of organisms (ants) and to think of objects as particular individuals (an ant named Jojo). Today in class we'll build (from scratch!) a system of autonomous sound-makers that interact in an environment. We'll spend the class coding together, then your homework will be to take what we've done so far and expand/modify it.

Okay, here's what we came up with:

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;

AudioOutput out;

int num_creatures = 5;
Creature[] creatures = new Creature[num_creatures];

void setup(){
   size(400, 400);
   println("doing setup...");


void setupSound(){
   out = Minim.getLineOut();

void setupCreatures(){
   for(int i=0; i width / 20){
         size = width / 20;

   void updateSound( ){

   void nudgePosition(int dx, int dy){
      x += dx; 
      y += dy;

   float pan(){
      return x / width;    
   float freq(){
      return  y * 10;
   float amp(){
      println(size/ (width / 20.0));
      return size / (width / 20.0);

And here's the applet.

Homework: extend the example, or if you're ambitious, start fresh and make some creatures of your own.