Digital Signal Processing: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

An introduction to the Fourier transform, the magically wonderful mathematical technique that allows us to go from the time domain (i.e. "standard" waveforms") to the frequency domain (i.e. this nifty "frequency spectrum" graphs) and back again.


Although the FFT is widely used, the mathematics involved aren't the most basic DSP that you will find. Understanding how the FFT operates is a terrific step to take in learning how 'hard-core' DSP theory works. The following links are fairly dense for us low-key musicians, but they are pretty fascinating to try to work through the concepts. There are also many many FFT resources on the web (did I mention it was widely used?):

Applications and Examples

We didn't really develop any real 'patches' in this class. Our wonderful guest Michael Klingbeil showed his amaazing SPEAR FFT-based spectral editor software. And we have it! No one else does! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Soon this will change -- Michael will be making it available to the world when he's ready...

Jason summarized the class:

and the good news is that Michael's software (SPEAR) is in fact installed (beta-version) on several of our studio machines now.