Room Simulation

Creating the impression of a natural or artificial acoustic context is an area of active research in computer music. We just barely scratched the surface of the range of applications, approaches and uses of reverberation and room simulation.


There are many many many links about reverberation and room simulation. These are just a few of them:

Basic Reverberation: Room Simulation:

Applications and Examples

We didn't really do a whole lot in the way of building room-simulation applications. Instead we used plugins for Digital Performer to show the concepts involved. However, I did show an older max/msp patch that attempted to simulate the 'ray-tracing' approach to acoustic modelling. The patch was designed to simulate the sound of acoustic reflections from a stand of trees in the distance. Here is the max/msp patch for this: There is an explanation of this patch, as well as some additional programs and useful links about acoustic modelling on an older class web page: And if you're a real glutton-for-punishment, here's a link to a class web page investigating the creation of "fractal delays": Finally, I briefly described a "finite element simulation" approach (this is also discussed in a few of the links above). For a bit more of an overview, see this older class web page:

Not a whole lot to say about this topic. And a whole lot to say. This is a really fun area to explore, so you should!

One thing, check out the RTcmix ([rtcmix~]) instruments listed in the middle of the G6610-03 week4 web page. Good stuff.