Assignment 1 (due Feb. 23), page 2 of 2

Assignment 1, page 1 of 2

In a similar fashion to Patchwork, musical events are defined in pitch using midicent values, and then depending on the object, other parameters further describe the event.

Rhythm can be defined via the use of onset/offset parameters as in Patchwork, or using rhythm trees. For more information regarding rhythm trees, refer to the Definitions:Basic Definitions: Rhythm Trees section of the Handbook.

Use the OM Handbook as a reference guide for more information.


Suggested objects: note, chord, chord-seq, voice.

Suggested operations to try: transposing, using microtones, loading a MIDI-file and messing with the values.

Suggested Tutorials for reference: Tutorials 1-10


Please email me your patch by Feb. 23. Also email the group list at for any questions or suggestions for me or the other students.