Creating an RTcmix Instrument

Most RTcmix instruments are designed to inherit from the Instrument class -- see the Instrument class documentation for a more-or-less complete listing of variables and associated functions for this class. Don't be fooled by the relative complexity of the Instrument class, however. As an instrument designer, you are only required to implement two member functions for your instrument. You will need to set up your instrument by filling out the init() function, and you will need to write your sample-computing code in the run() member function. That's all!

When RTcmix runs, it first calls a particular instrument's init() function whenever it detects that the instrument command has been parsed. The init() function then initializes various parameters, including setting the start time and end time for the note of that instrument on the RTcmix scheduled execution queue (called "the heap"). When RTcmix starts running "the heap" and a note start is encountered, then the run() function for that instrument is called repeatedly to generate samples for output. Although RTcmix calls the instrument/note's run() function in chunks corresponding to the bufsamps size that can be set via rtsetparams scorefile command, when you design an instrument you can safely assume that the processing of samples in the run() function will be continuous.

Sounds tricky? Actually, it's not too difficult at all. To show how all this works, we'll design a simple oscillator instrument and then progressively add features to build a more complex signal-processing amplitude modulation (AM) instrument.

A Simple Oscillator Instrument

What we're planning to do is to create a limited version of the WAVETABLE instrument. WAVETABLE works by reading a waveform created by the makegen scorefile command. For reasons that will become apparent as we elaborate the instrument, we'll assume that the function-table slot used for the makegen waveform will be slot #2. [note: In addition to the makegen command documentation, click here for a short discussion of how makegen can be used in a scorefile to create a waveform.]

WAVETABLE, and hence our simple oscillator instrument, works by copying values from the makegen-created function-table slot to the output in such a manner that a repeating (oscillating!) waveform with a specific frequency, amplitude and duration is heard when the samples are converted to sound.

This means that we have to make some decisions about how to control the parameters of our simple oscillator. Already we have decided that the waveform will be stored in function-table slot #2. We also need to define p-fields (parameters) for the start time, the duration, the amplitude and the pitch. We'll simply do them in that order (remember that in C++ numbering starts from 0):

We're also going to stipulate that the instrument will write nothing but 2-channel (stereo) output sound, with the amplitude being equal in both channels. [note: By convention, p0 is generally the start time for an RTcmix instrument. p1 is usually the duration, unless the instrument is a signal-processing instrument. Then p1 represents the amount to skip on an input soundfile for processing, and p2 then becomes the duration parameter. The rest of the p-fields are deteremined by the instrument designer.]

FInally, we need to decide what to call our instrument. SIMPLEOSC seems like an appropriate, although somewhat uninspired name.

Setting up the Template

If we had to write everything in an RTcmix instrument from scratch, it would be tedious and difficult indeed. Fortunately there is a Better Way. In the "RTcmix/docs/sample_code" directory (in the RTcmix distribution) as a directory titled "TEMPLATE" (click here to download a "TEMPLATE.tar.gz" file that will unpack to this directory). Copy the entire "TEMPLATE" directory over to the location where you plan to work on building SIMPLEOSC. Rename the "TEMPLATE" directory "SIMPLEOSC". Inside the "SIMPLEOSC" directory you should still see files like "TEMPLATE.cpp" and "TEMPLATE.h". Follow these easy-as-pie directions, and you will be ready to go to work on the SIMPLEOSC instrument: You are now set to design and build SIMPLEOSC.

The SIMPLEOSC::init() Member Function

Edit the file "SIMPLEOSC.cpp" again. Locate the definition of the SIMPLEOSC::init() function (it should be about line 15 in the file). Note that init() is passed two variables -- the first is an array of floating-point numbers (p[]) and the second is an integer variable (n_args). The values in these variables is determined by the scorefile. If RTcmix parses the following line in a scorefile:
       SIMPLEOSC(0, 3.5, 20000, 478.0)
then the SIMPLEOSC::init() function will be called with n_args set to 4 and the p[] array set to these values:
       p[0] = 0.0;
       p[1] = 3.5;
       p[2] = 20000.0;
       p[3] = 478.0;
This is how data passes into instruments for particular notes from an RTcmix scorefile. Note that all of the p-field parameters are converted to floating-point, even if they were entered as integers in the scorefile. That's just the way it is.

We won't be using n_args in SIMPLEOSC, but it is useful for checking how many p-fields are actually present for error-checking, setting up optional p-fields, etc. The default maximum p-fields in RTcmix is set at 1024. This can be changed by finding the definition for MAXDISPARGS in the file "RTcmix/H/mixdispargs.h", changing it to the desired value and recompiling RTcmix.

The first thing we need to do is to set the start time and duration for the instrument/note. This is done using the rtsetoutput function. rtsetoutput() takes 3 parameters, a starting time, a duration (both in seconds), and a pointer to the instrument being called (represented in C++ by the variable this. rtsetoutput() also returns how many sample frames we will compute. [note: a sample frame corresponds to one 'sample' of time, irregardless of how many channels are in the output. For a 1-channel output, this is just the total number of samples to be computed. For a stereo output, this is 1/2 the total number of samples to be computed, because we need to compute 2 samples for each 'sample' of time. This is not something you will necessarily have to worry about.] We will store the returned number of frames in the Instrument class variable nsamps. p[0] is our start time and p[1] is our duration, so the first addition we will make to the SIMPLEOSC::init() function will be:

       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

This is such a common operation in RTcmix instrument design that we have already set it up in our TEMPLATE instrument directory.

Next we need to store the amplitude into a variable that we can access during the SIMPLEOSC::run() function, a variable that we will use to multiply the sample values we generate to reach a specified amplitude. We will call the variable amp and the addition to the SIMPLEOSC::init() function to transfer the value from p[2] to the variable is trivial:

       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

amp, however, is not an Instrument class variable, so we need to declare it. Since amp will be used in both the SIMPLEOSC::init() and SIMPLEOSC::run() functions, we need to declare it so that both of these SIMPLEOSC functions have access to it. This is done by putting the declaration for amp in the "SIMPLEOSC.h" header file:
       class SIMPLEOSC : public Instrument {
              float amp;


Notice that amp is declared as type "float". Sample values in RTcmix are indeed floating-point ("float") numbers; since amp will be used to multiply samples, then it makes sense to declare it as the same type.

All that is left for us to do in initializing our instrument is to set up a wavetable oscillator to work with the proper frequency p[3]and the proper waveform (function-table slot #2). In the Bad Old Days, this used to be rather annoying, involving calculations of a weird thing called a sampling increment and strange setups of variables for the phase of the oscillator, etc. (you will still run into this kind of code in many of the RTcmix instruments included in the distribution). RTcmix now provides a handy object, Ooscili that makes our job much easier. All we have to do is instantiate the object with the desired frequency and function-slot table #:

       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude, p3 = frequency

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

              theOscil = new Ooscili(p[3], 2);

Ooscili takes a floating-point value in Hz for frequency, and an integer for the function-table slot of the waveform to use. Of course, we have to declare theOscil, this is also done in "SIMPLEOSC.h" because it will be used in both SIMPLEOSC::init() and SIMPLEOSC::run():
       class SIMPLEOSC : public Instrument {
              float amp;
              Ooscili *theOscil;


All we have to do now is to return how many sample frames we need to compute for the note, and our definition of the SIMPLEOSC::init() is complete:
       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude, p3 = frequency

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

              theOscil = new Ooscili(p[3], 2);


The SIMPLEOSC::run() Member Function

Now that we've set the initialization of our SIMPLEOSC instrument, we need to create the sample-computing part in the SIMPLEOSC::run() function. There are several items that we will need to establish in this function that have already been set up in the TEMPLATE directory. The first is that we will need to create a loop that will generate one sample value every time it gets iterated. This appears as the skeleton for a for loop already in the SIMPLEOSC::run() function:
              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
The variable i has already been declared (locally, it is only used in the SIMPLEOSC::run() function) and the frameToRun() function will return how many samples we need to compute for our note.

The second item is that we need to let RTcmix keep track of how many samples we have computed for our instrument/note. This is done with the increment() function inside the sample-computing for loop. We also need to tell RTcmix to "do stuff" necessary for sample output. Prior to the for loop is the statment Instrument::run(). This will cause RTcmix to "do" that "stuff". Our SIMPLEOSC::run() function now looks like this:

       int SIMPLEOSC::run()
              int i;


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {


All we need to do now is to get our Ooscili object (theOscil in our SIMPLEOSC instrument) to generate samples within the for sample-computing loop. So easy! We need to declare a variable that will temporarily store the sample values prior to sending them out to the Real World. For this task we will use an array with 2 elements: out[2]. It will be a floating-point array, of course, since we will be using it for samples, and out[0] will hold the value for channel 0 ("left") and and out[1] will hold the value for channel 1 ("right).

The way to get theOscil to produce samples is to use the next() member function of the Ooscili object. Ooscili puts out sample values between -1.0 and 1.0, so we want to scale them (multiply them) by amp in order to get our desired amplitude. Putting this all together, we have the following:

       int SIMPLEOSC::run()
              int i;
              float out[2];


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp;
                     out[1] = out[0];


Why did we say "out[1] = out[0]"? Why didn't we do:
                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp;
                     out[1] = theOscil->next() * amp;
The problem with the above is that every time the next() function is called, it generates the next sample in the evolving waveform. By assigning it once to out[0] and then moving to the next sample and assigning it to out[1], we will have effectively split the waveform between the two channels, generating samples twice as fast as we actually wanted. The sonic result is a sound twice the frequency we desired, with a bit of grunginess potentially thrown in to boot.

Why even bother with assiging sample values to the out array anyhow? This is because we use out to shuttle samples into our output stream that gets sent to the digital-to-analog convertors in the computer. We do this by using the rtaddout function:

Guess what? We're done! We've now designed a fully-fledged-and-functional RTcmix instrument. Adding a return value to the SIMPLEOSC::run() function, our whole listing of SIMPLEOSC::init() and SIMPLEOSC::run() looks like this:
       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude, p3 = frequency

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

              theOscil = new Ooscili(p[3], 2);


       int SIMPLEOSC::run()
              int i;
              float out[2];


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp;
                     out[1] = out[0];



              return i;
The corresponding declarations in the "SIMPLEOSC.h" file are:
       class SIMPLEOSC : public Instrument {
              float amp;
              Ooscili *theOscil;


All of the other text in the "SIMPLEOSC.C" and "SIMPLEOSC.h" files should be left intact -- all of the #include's, the function declarations for makeSIMPLEOSC(), etc. These are needed by RTcmix to properly build the instrument.

Compiling and Running SIMPLEOSC

We've already modified the Makefile to compile SIMPLEOSC. All you should have to do at this point is say:
and the Makefile should build the dynamically-loaded instrument library "". Be sure that the file "package.conf" is set to list your installation of RTcmix. The default contents of this file:
       include /usr/local/src/RTcmix/makefile.conf
will work if in fact you have installed RTcmix in "/usr/local/src/RTcmix".

Next we need to create a scorefile to run SIMPLEOSC. Given the small number of p-fields and constraints we have placed on the parameters in the design of our instrument, this scorefile is very simple, indeed. We'll create a text file, "S1.sco", with the following contents:

       rtsetparams(44100, 2)

       makegen(2, 10, 1000, 1.0, 0.3, 0.1)
       SIMPLEOSC(0, 3.5, 20000, 387.14)
Notice that the load scorefile command is instructed to load "./" instead of "SIMPLEOSC". This signals load to search in the local directory ("./") instead of the default main RTcmix shared library ("/usr/local/src/RTcmix/shlib").

Running the CMIX command with this score:

	CMIX < S1.sco
should yield a Glorious 387.14 Hz sound with an amplitude of 20000 and a duration of 3.5 seconds. Yay!

Adding an Amplitude Envelope

As much fun as SIMPLEOSC is, the start and end of each note is a bit stark. Our next step is to add an amplitude envelope, or a way of fading up and down the sample amplitude as we generate each sample. Here is the code in the SIMPLEOSC::run() member function that does in fact produce the samples:
                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp;
What we need to do is obvious -- we have to find a way of dynamically altering amp to accomplish the fade-up/fade-down.

One approach would be to install some simple math that would accompish this, but there is another approach that will give us a lot more flexibility in designing complicated amplitude envelopes. Recall that amp is set to be the maximum sample amplitude that we want to generate for each note (using the 0-32768 16-but integer scale). If we can generate an additional multiplier that tracks a curve from 0 to 1, then we can use that to modify the overall value of amp. Finding a way to generate a 0-1 curve of some kind will give us a very powerful tool to build an amplitude envelope.

makegen to the rescue again! A number of makegen routines are in fact designed to do exactly this. gen24, gen18, gen4, gen5, gen6 and gen7 can all be used to make curves between 0.0 and 1.0 of almost arbitrary complexity. All we need to do is read the values from these makegen-created functions and multiply them by the amp variable.

We already know how to do this -- use the Ooscili object. The trick is to set it up so that the amplitude envelope "oscillator" will only "oscillate" once during the note duration. This is easy, just set the oscillator frequency to 1.0/duration (wavelength [duration] and frequency are reciprocals).

So in the "SIMPLEOSC.h" header file we declare another Ooscili variable:

       class SIMPLEOSC : public Instrument {
              float amp;
              Ooscili *theOscil;
              Ooscili *theEnv;


and we initialize it in the SIMPLEOSC::init() member function:
       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude, p3 = frequency

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

              theOscil = new Ooscili(p[3], 2);
              theEnv = new Ooscili(1.0/p[1], 1);

Notice that we are using function-table slot #1 for our amplitude envelope curve. We originally chose function-table slot #2 as our oscillator waveform to allow this. Amplitude envelopes in RTcmix are typically stored in function-table slot #1 (the setline scorefile command expects this).

Using theEnv to shape our amplitude evolution is trivial:

                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp * theEnv->next();
So our modified SIMPLEOSC now looks like this:
       int SIMPLEOSC::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = duration, p2 = amplitude, p3 = frequency

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this);

              amp = p[2];

              theOscil = new Ooscili(p[3], 2);
              theEnv = new Ooscili(1.0/p[1], 1);


       int SIMPLEOSC::run()
              int i;
              float out[2];


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
                     out[0] = theOscil->next() * amp * theEnv->next();
                     out[1] = out[0];



              return i;
The declarations in the "SIMPLEOSC.h" file are:
       class SIMPLEOSC : public Instrument {
              float amp;
              Ooscili *theOscil;
              Ooscili *theEnv;



Compiling this code will give you a versatile and powerful SIMPLEOSC, indeed. How versatile and powerful? Theoretically, armed with a sine wave and the amplitude controls in the modified SIMPLEOSC, you should be able to recreate any sound imaginable!. Of course, theory and practice are two different things...

Seriously, you can create some wonderful sounds using SIMPLEOSC. Used with the RTcmix scorefile capabilities, SIMPLEOSC can build interesting granular-synthesis textures. Try the following scorefile using SIMPLEOSC just for fun:

       rtsetparams(44100, 2)

       makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0.0,0.0, 0.1,1.0, 0.2,0.0)
       makegen(2, 10, 1000, 1.0, 0.3, 0.1)

       start = 0.0
       basefreq = 200.0
       for (i = 0; i < 1500; i=i+1)
              freq = irand(basefreq, basefreq+300)
              SIMPLEOSC(start, 0.2, 4000, freq)

              start = start + 0.01
              basefreq = basefreq + 2.0

Reading an Input Soundfile

Our SIMPLEOSC instrument can be changed into a signal-processing instrument with a few minor changes. By signal-processing, we mean that it will operate upon an input sound instead of generating a sound 'from scratch'. We'll call this instrument SIMPLEMIX -- we can set it up the same way we did for SIMPLEOSC, using the directions for Setting up the Template (using SIMPLEMIX in place of SIMPLEOSC or we can just modify SIMPLEOSC so that it becomes SIMPLEMIX.

In any case, we want to take out the references to the sample-generating Ooscili object theOsc, but keep the amplitude Ooscili (theEnv). In place of theOscil, we will set up a soundfile for reading using rtsetinput. rtsetinput works like rtsetoutput, but it takes only a start time parameter (along with the Instrument* pointer) instead of a start time and duration parameter. This is because the duration is established by rtsetoutput, having rtsetinput also do it would be redundant. Thus rtsetinput does not return the number of sample frames to be computed like rtsetoutput. Instead, it returns "0" if it successfully opens the input, or "-1" if it doesn't. This is useful for checking if a soundfile was opened properly, or if there was some error (perhaps the name of the soundfile was mis-typed). Generally errors will be caught in opening the input soundfile, accomplished through the most recent call to the rtinput scorefile command (this establishes what rtsetinput will read).

The start time parameter for rtsetinput refers to the time-point (in seconds) to start reading the input soundfile. This allows us to skip into the input soundfile by a specified amount to process a particular patch of sound. This parameter is ignored if the controlling scorefile for the instrument sets up real-time ("live") input, as it is difficult to skip arbitrarily into the future. It would probably be fun, though.

We'll modify our p-fields to accommodate this new input-skipping parameter. We also need to initialize an Ortgetin object to deliver samples into our SIMPLEMIX::run() method. As with theEnv (and theOscil in SIMPLEOSC), we will declare this in our "SIMPLEMIX.h" file.

With these changes, our finished SIMPLEMIX::init() member function becomes:

       int SIMPLEMIX::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = input skip, p2 = duration, p3 = amplitude

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[2], this);
              rtsetinput(p[1], this); // we're being bad, not checking for errors
              theIn = new Ortgetin(this);

              amp = p[3];

              theEnv = new Ooscili(1.0/p[2], 1);

and "SIMPLEMIX.h" is:
       class SIMPLEMIX : public Instrument {
              float amp;
              Ortgetin *theIn;
              Ooscili *theEnv;


The SIMPLEMIX::run() is then easy to code. All we have to do is declare an input array that we will use to hold our incoming samples for each frame, reading new samples into it using the Ortgetin::next() method:
       int SIMPLEMIX::run()
              int i;
              float out[2];
              float in[2];
              float aamp;


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
                     aamp = amp * theEnv->next();
                     out[0] = in[0] * aamp;
                     out[1] = in[1] * aamp;



Notice that we are using the variable aamp to store the envelope-shaped amplitude. This is to avoid calling theEnv->next() more than once for each sample frame, and it also slightly increases the efficiency of the instrument. As with SIMPLEOSC, also be aware that we have made some assumptions about the nature of our input and output soundfiles or devices -- they both need to be at least two-channels. This instrument will not work properly for mono soundfiles! If your intention is to write a more general-purpose instrument capable of handling mono/stereo/whatever soundfiles, then you will need to add code to check for and handle differing channel configurations. Ortgetin does not do this for you.

Given these caveats, our finished SIMPLEMIX instrument is:

       int SIMPLEMIX::init(float p[], int n_args)
              // p0 = start, p1 = input skip, p2 = duration, p3 = amplitude

              nsamps = rtsetoutput(p[0], p[2], this);
              rtsetinput(p[1], this); // we're being bad, not checking for errors
              theIn = new Ortgetin(this);

              amp = p[3];

              theEnv = new Ooscili(1.0/p[2], 1);


       int SIMPLEMIX::run()
              int i;
              float out[2];
              float in[2];
              float aamp;


              for (i = 0; i < framesToRun(); i++) {
                     aamp = amp * theEnv->next();
                     out[0] = in[0] * aamp;
                     out[1] = in[1] * aamp;



              return i;
As with SIMPLEOSC, we can use SIMPLEMIX to create some nifty granular effects. The following scorefile, for example:
       rtsetparams(44100, 2)


       makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.2, 0.0)

       totaldur = DUR()
       start = 0.0

       for (i = 0; i < 100; i = i+1)
              inskip = irand(0.0, (totaldur-0.2))
              SIMPLEMIX(start, inskip, 0.2, 1)
              start = start + 0.1
will randomly grab little chunks of sound throughout a soundfile, while this scorefile:
       rtsetparams(44100, 2)


       makegen(1, 25, 1000, 1)

       start = 0.0
       inskip = 0.0

       for (i = 0; i < 500; i = i+1)
              SIMPLEMIX(start, inskip, 0.1, 1)
              start = start + 0.05
              inskip = inskip + 0.02
will do a rough granular time-stretching of the original sound.