v 1.92
based on RTcmix v

Brad Garton, October 2013

1.92: Mac OSX 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8, Max5/Max6
Windows (XP) and older versions available here

download rtcmix~ for Max/MSP

RTcmix is a complete sound synthesis and signal processing language, including a robust scheduler and large set of pre-compiled "instruments". The [rtcmix~] object completely encapsulates RTcmix within the Max/MSP real-time music environment, extending the capabilities of Max/MSP in the following ways:

Download and Install

  Max5/Macintosh Directions

  Older Max/OSX and Windows versions

Source Code

Known Problems

Final Words on This Web Page

RTcmix was originally written by Brad Garton and Dave Topper, adding real-time capabilities to the cmix music-programming language developed by Paul Lansky. John Gibson, Doug Scott (and others) added significant extensions to the package.

The [rtcmix~] object was written by Brad Garton with much advice and assistance from Dan Trueman and Luke DuBois (Dan wrote the internal buffer script-editing code). Joshua Kit Clayton was an invaluable resource, as always. Thanks guys!

For more information about RTcmix itself, see The RTcmix Docs.

I hope this may be useful for others; I'm having a blast with it. Let me know what you think!

Brad Garton
garton at columbia dot edu
October, 2013