modtable - modify the data coming through one table-handle and send the transformed data through another table-handle.


table = modtable(input_table_handle, "modification_type", arg1, arg2, ...)


modtable returns a table-handle that will deliver data produced by modifying the values coming from another table. The specific data-transformation applied is determined by the "modification_type" text field in conjunction with any of the optional argN parameters. The input_table_handle variable should refer to another table via a table-handle, probably created using the maketable) command or possibly coming from a previous modtable.

Many of the arguments for modtable may themselves also be pfield-handles.

This is table-handle variable referring to a data stream coming from a previously created or modified table.

This string value (i.e. enclosed in "double quotes" in the scorefile) determines the operation that will be used to transform the values coming through the input_table_handle. The table-handle returned from the modtable command will refer to this transformed table data.

arg1, arg2, ...
The arguments that are possibly relevant for each modification type. These will determine how particular operations work to transform the data. See documentation for each type below.

Modification Types

The normalize modification type processes the data from a table associated with table_handle and normalizes (scales) the values using the the optional peak argument as the desired peak value for the elements in the new table. The syntax is: If the optional peak argument is missing, then 1.0 will be used as the desired peak value.

Tables can have both positive and negative values. This is what happens, depending on the sign of the values in the table:

A new table-handle will be returned for subsequent use in the scorefile referring to the normalized table values.

The reverse operation reverses the ordering of all the values in a table associated with table_handle, essentially the same as reading through the original table backwards. The syntax is: The values will be interpolated depending upon the original setting of the optional specifier for interpolation used in the maketable scorefile command that created the table.

The values of the table are not altered in any other way. The size of the table is also unchanged. This returns a table-handle for the reversed table data.

The shift modification type operates on the table associated with table_handle and moves all the elements in the table forwards or backwards (depending on whether shift_amount is positive or negative) in the table. The syntax is: The elements in the table array will be moved shift_amount array locations. Positive values of shift_amount shift to the right; negative values to the left. If a value is shifted off the end of the array in either direction, it reenters the other end of the array.

The values of the table are not altered in any other way. A table-handle referring to the shifted table values is returned.

The draw modtable variant enables you to rewrite a portion of the table-handle table "on the fly" during scorefile execution, possibly while an Instrument might be accessing the table. The syntax is: The elements of the table referenced by table_handle will be replaced by this command whenever an Instrument asks for a value from the table returned, usually at the control rate. The replacement operation will be governed by the index, which is normally 0-1 and acts as a fractional portion into the table to modify (i.e. 0.5 will replace the values 1/2-way through the table) unless the optional "literal" argument is present. Then index represents an absolute index into the table, starting at 0 and ending at table_length-1. value is the value to place at the index, and the optional width parameter determines how the neighboring slots might be affected (linear interpolation) by the newly-inserted value. width is also a fractional portion from 0-1, with the default set at 0. The interpolation algorithm used by draw will affect elements in the table that are (width*size)/2 slots away on either side of the index. Both the index and the value can also be dynamic pfield-handles.

The table referenced by table-handle will itself be modified, so subsequent uses of the table-handle table will reflect whatever changes might have been 'drawn' into the table during previous scorefile processing. Modification of the table will only occur when the pfield variable (table) is accessed in a score, however.

EXAMPLES Using these scorefile commands:
   table = maketable("line", "nonorm", 1000, 0,0, 1,10, 2, -5)
   newtable = modtable(table, "normalize", 1.0)

newtable will be associated with a new table that will start at 0.0, go up to 1.0, and then down to -0.5 over the 1000 elements in the table.

In this set of commands:

   table = maketable("literal", "nonorm", 5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
   newtable = modtable(table, "reverse")

the table-handle newtable will be associated with a new table that will contain the following sequence of elements:

And this scorefile fragment:

   table = maketable("literal", "nonorm", 5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
   newtable1 = modtable(table, "shift", 3)
   newtable2 = modtable(table, "shift", -1)

will result in the table-handle newtable1 being associated with a new table that will contain the following sequence of elements:

and the elements of newtable2 being in the following order:


maketable, makeconnection, makeLFO, makerandom, makeconverter, makemonitor, makefilter, plottable