JFIR -- FIR filter specified by frequency-response curve
in RTcmix/insts/jg

quick syntax:
JFIR(outsk, insk, dur, AMP, filtorder, inputchan, PAN, BYPASS, FREQTABLE)

   p0 = output start time (seconds)
   p1 = input start time (seconds)
   p2 = input duration (seconds)
   p3 = amplitude multiplier (relative multiplier of input signal)
   p4 = filter order (higher order allows steeper slope)
   p5 = input channel
   p6 = pan (0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle)
   p7 = bypass filter (0: bypass off, 1: bypass on) (usually use 0)
   p8 = reference to frequency response table

   p3 (amplitude), p6 (pan) and p7 (bypass) can receive dynamic updates from
   a table or real-time control source.

   p8 should be a reference to a pfield table-handle.

   Author:  John Gibson, 7/3/99; rev for v4, JGG, 7/24/04
   Filter design code adapted from Bill Schottstaedt's Snd.

JFIR creates an FIR filter based on a frequency response curve in a table referenced by p8 ("FREQTABLE"). The filter design code adapted from Bill Schottstaedt's Snd soundfile editor.

Usage Notes

The filter order (p4, "filtorder") can be a fairly large number. See the sample scores below.

The desired frequency response curve is described by a table specification of pairs. Frequency is in Hz, from 0 to Nyquist; amp is from 0 to 1. Ideally, frequencies with amplitude of 1 are passed without attenuation; those with amplitude of 0 are attenuated totally. But this behavior depends on the order of the filter. Try an order of 200, and increase that as needed.


With a high order, this should attenuate everything below 200 Hz and above 4000 Hz. NOTE: Be sure to use the "nonorm" option for maketable when specifying the frequency response curve.

JFIR Can only process 1 channel at a time. To process stereo, call twice -- once with inputchan=0 (p5) and PAN=0 (p6), again with inputchan=1 and PAN=1.

JFIR can produce either stereo or mono output.

Sample Scores

very basic:

   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0
   dur = DUR()
   start = 0
   amp = 2.5
   order = 300
   nyq = 44100 / 2
   freqresp = maketable("line", "nonorm", 5000,
      0,0, 100,0, 200,1, 700,1, 1000,0, 1500,0, 1600,.8, 2200,.8, 4000,0, nyq,0)
   env = maketable("line", 1000, 0,0, 1,1, 7,1, 9,0)
   pan = 0.5
   bypass = 0
   JFIR(start, inskip, dur, amp * env, order, inchan, pan, bypass, freqresp)

slightly more advanced:
   rtsetparams(44100, 2)
   inchan = 0
   inskip = 0.7
   filedur = DUR() - 0.7
   env = maketable("line", 12000, 0,0, 1,1, 29,1, 30,0)
   amp = 4.0
   dur = 0.05
   pan = 0.5
   bypass = 0
   cflist = { 500, 2000, 1000, 750, 3000, 180, 1700, 5000, 1400, 450, 900, 2200 }
   numcf = len(cflist)
   half_bandwidth_percent = 0.50
   nyquist = 44100 / 2
   order = 300
   for (st = 0; st < filedur - dur; st += dur) {
      n = (st / filedur) * (numcf - 1)
      cf = cflist[trunc(n)]
      low = cf - (cf * half_bandwidth_percent)
      high = cf + (cf * half_bandwidth_percent)
      freqresp = maketable("line", 5000, 0,0, low,0, cf,1, high,0, nyquist,0)

      JFIR(st, inskip, dur, amp * env, order, inchan, pan, bypass, freqresp)
   	inskip += dur

See Also