CLAR -- physical model clarinet
in RTcmix/insts/std
NOTE: This instrument has largely been superceded by the MCLAR instrument.

quick syntax:
CLAR(outsk, dur, noiseamp, length1 (samples), length2 (samples), outputamp, d2gain[, pan])

   p0 = output start time (seconds)
   p1 = duration (seconds)
   p2 = noise amplitude (0-1)
   p3 = length 1 (1-500, length in samples)
   p4 = length 2 (1-500, length in samples)
   p5 = output amplitude (absolute, for 16-bit soundfiles: 0-32768)
   p6 = d2 gain (0-1)
   p7 = pan (0-1 stereo; 0.5 is middle) [optional; default is 0]

   no pfield-enabled control of parameters
   is implemented for this instrument.  Older makegen()-style control
   may be used if desired.

CLAR is a physical modeling algorithm for a clarinet. Physical modeling is a synthesis paradigm whereby the computer synthesizes sound not according to the spectrum of the desired output, but rather based on a description of the physical process which makes the sound (to whit: a violin's physical model would include a system describing the physics of a vibrating string, coupled with a quantified description of the effects of bow pressure, string vibrato, etc.). physical modeling instruments, therefore, are simulated and controlled by expert systems describing cause-and-effect relationships of specific performance actions on corresponding acoustic results. (adapted from Cook, 1992, 1995).

Usage Notes

This is one of the first physical-model instruments implemented. It is here primarily for 'historical' reasons, the MCLAR instrument is a better model to use. For example, to specfy the pitch in CLAR, it is necessary to find the right combination of delay lengths and the d2gain parameter. This isn't really intuitive... Also, p-field control has not been implemented for this instrument.

Sample Scores

very basic:
   rtsetparams(44100, 1)

   CLAR(0, 1, 0.02, 78, 31, 7000, 0)
   CLAR(1, 1, 0.02, 35, 4, 7000, 0)
   CLAR(2, 1, 0.02, 35, 9, 7000, 0)
   CLAR(3, 1, 0.02, 51, 20, 7000, 0.5)

more advanced:
   rtsetparams(44100, 2)

   // this is the old makegen() system.  Generally use the
   // maketable() system for dynamic control.  CLAR doesn't use it
   makegen(1, 24, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1)
   makegen(2, 24, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1)

   d2 = 0
   for (start = 0; start < 10; start = start + 0.5) {
      CLAR(start, 0.5, 0.02, 69, 34, 7000, d2)
      d2 = d2 + 0.05

See Also