Hearing Different Kinds of Noise
Noisy sounds can be generated by playing sequences of random numbers. This
Applet plays three kinds of noise:
White Noise - simple series of random numbers, power distributed equally
over all frequencies.
Pink Noise - complex series with an even distribution of power if the frequency
is mapped in a logarithmic scale. (more bass)
Red Noise - periodically picks random numbers and then interpolates between
To Do:
Select White, Pink and Red noise using the radio buttons.
Notice that Pink noise looks more like stock market or other natural data
than the White noise.
Change the frequency of the RedNoise generator. Hear and see what happens.
Theoretically, if you listen to WhiteNoise long enough you will hear every
possible sound including the latest Top Ten songs. Try it! (Note to lawyers:
any violations of copyright are unintentional.)