RTcmix -- Using CMIX in Real Time
Brad Garton and Dave Topper
Columbia University Music Department
New York. NY 10027 USA
garton - at - columbia.edu;   topper - at - panix.com
ABSTRACT: Several computer music "languages" intended to facilitate
the coding of sound synthesis and signal-processing algorithms have
become popular among practitioners of computer music (CSOUND. CMIX
and CMUSIC. for example). Until quite recently. however. low-cost
computing power was not available to allow these languages to run
in real-time: instead the computer musician generally worked by reading
and writing samples to and from disk files and listening to the results
when computation was complete.
Within the past few years smaller. general-purpose computers have
become powerful enough to run digital sound synthesis and signal-processing
algorithms in real time. This demonstration will show the capabilities
of RTcmix, a set of extensions and modifications to the CMIX computer
music language enabling it to function as a real-time programming
environment. Included in the RTcmix package is a dynamic event scheduler
and the ability to process disk files and external audio signals in
real time. Thus RTcmix can be used to create interactive performance
works in addition to providing a fast 'turnaround' for composers building
tape music pieces. Additional aspects of the package include a socket-based
protocol for control of RTcmix by external processes. and "backwards
compatibility" with all existing CMIX features and instruments. The
implementation of RTcmix will be discussed in detail, as well as the
rationale behind the design of the language. RTcmix is a unix-based
language in the public domain. currently running under both Linux
and IRlX.
Given the power of today's general-purpose microprocessors. it is
now possible to run "standard" software sound synthesis and signal-processing
computer music languages (see [Pope. 1993] for a good overview of
several of these languages) in real-time. Although this capability
has been available to those with sufficiently powerful computing machinery
(or with specialized hardware) for some time. it is only recently
that smaller. more affordable computers have had enough power to do
real-time audio work with any degree of complexity.
RTcmix is a revised version of CMIX. the computer music language
designed by Paul Lansky [Lansky, 1997] and popular among musicians
and researchers as a robust development and compositional environment.
RTcmix can also function as a replacement for CMIX. able to compile
"standard" CMIX
instruments and parse pre-existing CMIX scorefiles that were designed
to work with the older, disk-based CMIX. In fact, RTcmix uses the
same parser and unit-generator library functions as the basic CMIX
package, allowing nearly all extant CMIX instruments to run (disk-based)
under RTcmix with only a simple recompilation required.
Design Rationale
Maintaining this "backwards compatibility" was important for several
reasons. CMIX has been around for over a decade, and a large amount
of development work has taken place. Most of the unit-generator library
functions are highly optimized for audio work, and nearly all existing
sound synthesis and signal processing algorithms have been implemented
in CMIX. CMIX also allows a great deal of flexibility in instrument
design, with the basic core of the language being nothing more than
a set of C functions that can be called at any point in a CMIX instrument
-- the instrument designer is limited only by the capabilities of
the C programming language. Basic CMIX also includes Minc, a fully-functional
parser/programming language for scorefile interpretation.
RTcmix keeps the Minc parser and the unit-generator library intact,
retaining the functionality and optimization of disk-based CMIX. RTcmix
is implemented in C++, however, so this functionality is enhanced
by the object-oriented capabilities of the C++ language. As with CMIX,
RTcmix attempts to place very loose constraints on instrument design,
allowing the full capabilities of the C++ (or C) programming language
to be used.
The primary difference between RTcmix and CMIX is that RTcmix uses
a scheduler to call RTcmix instruments. CMIX assumes out-of-time random
access, so CMIX instruments can be invoked at any point during scorefile
parsing. RTcmix cannot do this, because the main purpose of the language
is to run in real time. RTcmix event scheduling is accomplished through
a binary tree, priority-queue dynamic heap [Van Wyk, 1991]. The heap
is also designed to do "scheduling-on-the-fly", allowing notes to
be scheduled at run-time (usually triggered by an external event,
such as a MIDI note being depressed). The RTcmix scheduler is called
by the Minc parser, which can be addressed through the standard input
(screen/keyboard) or through a TCP/IP socket. Each RTcmix instrument
can also instantiate an independent set of TCP/IP sockets for updating
of parameters during note execution.
The use of internet socket protocols in RTcmix greatly extends the
capabilities of the package. The intention was to design a sound-synthesis
and signal-processing engine that could be controlled by a wide variety
of interface methods and technologies. RTcmix can be used on a single
host or across a network, separating asynchronous interface events
from the synchronous, compute-intensive operation of RTcmix instruments.
RTcmix also does real-time signal processing of external audio digitized
audio disk files or directly from hardware A-D convertors.
data, taking input from pre-existing
Each RTcmix instrument is defined as a separate C++ class, inheriting
a basic set of variables and member functions (methods) from a base
Instrument class. The design of an RTcmix instrument reflects the
basic outline of a disk-based CMIX instrument, except that the setup
(initialization) portion of a CMIX instrument and the sample-generating
loop are separated into two different RTcmix member functions. These
member functions must be coded by the instrument designer. The
Instrument::init(p, n_args)
function does the setup work, and is called once when a note
using the particular instrument is scheduled. The
member function is called repeatedly at run-time. Each time this function
is called, it produces up to one buffer's worth of audio samples.
These samples are then combined with buffers from all other currently
sounding instruments and sent to the D-A convertors to produce sound.
It is worth noting the following about RTcmix instruments:
- A new Instrument is instantiated and scheduled for each independent
note event (the rtprofile() function is used to accomplish this).
Every note then has an independent state, allowing the note to sound
as intended. The constructor for each instrument can be used to establish
a socket connection for the instrument, thus allowing independent
external parameter control of every note.
- The number of times the
member function is called
depends on the length of the note and the size of the output buffer.
The scheduler calculates how many output buffers will be needed from
a particular note/instrument to produce a given duration. Because
member function will most likely be called many
times, the variable "cursamp" is used to keep function tracking (control
envelopes, duration-dependent note changes. etc.) consistent. The
size of the output buffers for RTcmix is set at run-time, as are most
of the other parameters; sampling rate, number of channels, etc. This
allows users to trade-off note latency with compute time for different
performance circumstances.
- The scheduling heap contains a list of pointers to
member functions. and as each "pops" off the heap the associated
member function is called. The only invariant that needs to be maintained
in this approach is that every child be indexed by its parent. Heap
order is maintained during insertion and deletion by a simple bubble/sift
process. This guarantees logarithmic time insertion and deletion,
necessary for extensive real-time operation. The index used for heap
members is time, expressed as samples. RTcmix instrument scheduling
is thus accurate to the sample.
Availability and Performance
RTcmix is in the public domain, and is currently available from
(much additional documentation as well as full source code are also
available at this site). RTcmix has been ported to SGI platforms running
IRIX (5.3 or higher) and Linux running on Pentium machines. Although
extensive performance testing of RTcmix is not available at present,
approximately 70 non-optimized wavetable oscillators at 44100 samples/sec
(mono) could run on a relatively quiescent 133 Mhz R4600 SGI Indy.
The nominal input/output latency for a set of 4 simple comb filters
processing real-time audio on this same system was about 500 samples
(stereo output, .0057 seconds). These numbers could be improved with
some judicial optimization of the i/o routines.
Future Extensions
The immediate focus of future RTcmix development work will be to
translate more existing CMIX instruments for real-time work. A number
of CMIX instruments require semi-random access to an input buffer
(granular synthesis-type instruments, for example) -- input buffering
will be added to RTcmix shortly.
Ports to other platforms/operating systems are also a high priority
for future work. CMIX itself has been ported to nearly every unix
platform available. Because of the concurrent work on both IRIX and
Linux in creating RTcmix, most of the OS- and hardware-dependent code
has been isolated in a small set of functions.
As stated earlier, RTcmix is meant to be used as a synthesis/signal-processing
support engine for a variety of applications. The inclusion of a type
of "protocol translator" enabling RTcmix to be controlled by various
music-data protocols (MIDI, SKINI [Cook, 1997], ZIPI...) would certainly
make this goal much easier to attain.
Cook, P. 1997. "The SKINI 1.0 Protocol." http://www.cs.princeton.edu/-prc.
Dannenberg, R. McAvinney, and Rubine. 1986. "Arctic: A Functional
Approach to Real-Time Control." Computer Music Journal. Volume 10,
Number 4 (Winter, 1986).
Lansky, P. 1997. "The CMIX Home Page." http://www.music.princeton.edu/cmix.
Pope, S. 1993. "Machine Tongues XV: Three Packages for Software Sound Synthesis."
Computer Music Journal. Volume 17, Number 2 (Summer, 1993).
Van Wyk, J. 1991. Data Structures and C Programs. New York: Addison-Wesley.