This package contains scripts and a prefab for a basic 'observer' object that can move around a scene. The "observermove.cs" script creates the movement controls, and the "getMyTransform.cs" script is used by the uRTcmix "LOCALIZE" instrument for doing audio localization in the scene. -------------------------------------------------------- For Unity v. 2019.X and earlier: REMOVE THE DEFAULT MAIN CAMERA FROM THE SCENE BEFORE USING THE OBSERVER PREFAB. THE MAIN CAMERA IS ON THE OBESRVER. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- For Unity v. 2020 (or thereabouts) and later: The observer works with the new XRPlugin system (new as of Unity v. 2020 or so). You will need to activate the "XR Plug-in Management" in Project->Settings. It will work 'standalone', too, by turning off the "Initialize XR on Startup" toggle. You will also need to convert the main camera to an XRRig, done from the "XR" submenu of the main "GamObject" drop-down menu. Delete the XRRig that gets created -- the observer prefab has one already built-in. -------------------------------------------------------- up/down and w/s keys move forward and back, the left/right and a/d keys move left and right. SHIFT-left/SHIFT-right rotates the observer left and right, and SHIFT-up/SHIFT-down rotates the observer up and down. Using controllers, the left joystick moves forward/back/left/right, and the A and X buttons rotate the observer. The observer will go forward in the direction you are looking in VR. The observer is a capsule collider 1-unit dimension with a height of 1 unit. The main camera is a child of this game object. located 1 unit up at the top of the capsule. A rigidbody component will need to be added for interaction with other game objects. Speed of movement and rotation is set in the "observermove.cs" script component.