uRTcmix on Catalina (10.15.x) or later
If OSX is complaining that uRTcmix isn't
allowed to run because it isn't from one of their 'signed developers',
the following should set the permissions so it can work:
1. start up a Terminal window (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app)
2. type in:
"sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine "
without the quotes (and note the space at the end -- it has to be there)
3. Drag/Drop the uRTcmix folder that should be in your Unity project
"Assets" folder into
the Terminal window with the "sudo ..." command typed in. The result
should be a line in the Terminal window that looks something like this:
sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Users/whoever/myUnityproject/Assets/uRTcmix
4. Hit <return>, give your password, and hopefully(!) all will be happy.
Unfortunately you will have to do this for every Unity project that
uses uRTcmix.
Brad Garton
January, 2021
NOTE: It seems that the above may not work on some more recent
OSX versions. If you type the following command into a Terminal
sudo spctl --master-disable
(as above) it will turn off the gatekeeper for all programs. uRTcmix
will then run with no problems. But it disables the gatekeeoer for
everything, which might be something you don't want to do. After running
uRTcmix you can re-enable the gatekeeper with:
sudo spctl --master-enable
It may be that the uRTcmix processes will run ok even with the gatekeeper
Brad Garton
October, 2024