[rtcmix~] for pd/Windows (10)

64-bit for pd-0.5 (or later); July 2020


1. Unpack the archive.

2. Copy/Move the entire "rtcmix~" folder intact to your "Documents\Pd\externals\" folder (note: this is assuming you are using the default installation locations for pd).

3. Copy/move the "pthreadVC2.dll" file to the main "C:\Program Files\Pd\bin\" folder (again assuming that you are using the default installation locations for pd). There is probably a better place to put this DLL that [rtcmix~] needs, but I don't know what it is at present.

4. Start (or restart) pd. [rtcmix~] should be working.

note on editing scorefiles

At present, scorefile information is not stored with the pd patch when it is saved. You will need to use the [open] message to load an existing scorefile into [rtcmix~], and be sure to use a [save]/[saveas] message to store a scorefile that has been modified within pd.

To modify a scorefile within pd, click on the [rtcmix~] object in a locked (i.e. editing off) pd patcher. This will open an editor on the current [rtcmix~] script. If the script has not been loaded with an [open] message, [rtcmix~] will create a temporary file for editing. BE CERTAIN TO SAVE THIS using the [save]/[saveas] message before exiting pd, or the work will be lost.

The [rtcmix~] here comes configured to use the popular "Notepad++" editor (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/). The configuration assumes that the editor is stored in the default location "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe".

You can use an alternative editor and set [rtcmix~] to invoke it using the [editor] message. The [editor] message takes one argument: the pathname to the editor program. This pathname has to be specified using unix-like directory separators. For example, an editor located at "C:\Program Files\thebest\editor.exe" would be set by sending the message:

	[editor C:/Program\ Files/thebest/editor.exe]
to an [rtcmix~] object (note the escape (\ ) of the space in the pathname, too). Sending this message to a single [rtcmix~] object will set it as the default for all [rtcmix~] objects in a given pd session. The message will need to be resent if pd is restarted.

You can also use an external editor to create [rtcmix~] scorefiles. However, be sure that any alternative editors you use can write "unix" or "OSX" line endings, not Windows line endings (Notepad++ can do this, but the plain Notepad that comes with Windows cannot). Native Windows text files use a combination carriage-return/line-feed scheme that will cause the RTcmix parser to crash. I haven't been able to fix this yet.

Brad Garton
July, 2020