
hardware:   Apple PowerBook G4/OSX, mandolin, whatever stuff Gregory Taylor had
software:   RTcmix, max/msp ([rtcmix~]), ditto about the Gregory Taylor stuff above

After coding up a new version of [rtcmix~], Terry Pender and I decided to exercise the software by making a few plugins and patches and seeing if we could use them to do some mandolin/computer improvisations. The initial few times we tried went better than we expected. Gregory Taylor was also passing through town (we're fans of his music!), and we asked if he would like to join our aging midwestern guys laptop 'band', and he said "Sure! I'm an aging midwestern guy too! This sounds like heaven on earth!"

The pieces I've titled mando::summer (showing my utter lack of verbal imagination) are excerpts from longer improvisations we did. All was done live, with Gregory and I twiddling our mouse pads while Terry generated happy mandolin melodies.