We live in a very small town in central New Jersey with a somewhat
interesting history (see my neighbor Rod Tulloss'
web site
about the social/cultural/political background of Roosevelt Borough).
In 2005, our Mayor started a series of actions that most of the
citizens found objectionable, culminating in plans to build a 5-storey
yeshiva dormitory for 150+ students and support staff at the local
synagogue. Roosevelt has only about 350 houses, so this would be a
major change in the character of town (we had also recently won a
landmark lawsuit concerning development issues -- Rod Tullos
has additional information on the
Fund for Roosevelt
web site).
A group of neighbors organized a peaceful protest in late July
-- more like a town picnic -- against these plans,
and of course accusations of anti-semitism began to fly freely, which
was very strange considering that the protestors (and most of the town)
were Jewish! My daughter, Lian, and I walked down to the "protest"
to see how things were unfolding, and we were confronted by . . .
armed guards 'protecting' the synagogue. Yikes! I guess
the mayor(?) and a few others on the synagogue board decided that we
had all embraced neo-nazism and were afraid for their lives
(yes I am being sarcastic).
I had been a bit ambivalent about the yeshiva issue up to that point. I
believe that the town zoning laws should be taken seriously, but I didn't
want to curtail the legitimate religious activities of the synagogue if
they could be appropriately woven into the fabric of our community.
Given our town's history I figured that this was a real and interesting
But the guns freaked me out. I mean, the purpose of weapons is to
kill people, right? Were the retirees who organized
the protest that much of a threat?
Were they planning to open fire on our kids if we seemed unruly (not
too likely given that the median age of the gathering was about 65)?
I wrote the song in the next few weeks, and gained a little local
notoriety as a result. Hey, a Roosevelt rock-star I am!
A lot of the sounds come from samples I made of old instruments our
family has (my maternal grandfather had quite a collection) during a visit
back to Indiana a week after the protest. I had a new Marantz
digital audio flash recorder and wanted to try it out; the harp sounds,
bell sounds, shakers, etc. are all from those instruments.
I'm most happy with the guitarist and bass-player, especially the
bass part at the end. I can't actually play these instruments,
so what you hear are physical model algorithms being "played"
by virtual style-model agents. Those fragments of LISP code
really rock out, heh heh. I'm a lazy computer musician, let the
code do the rockin'.
One more thing -- the recordings are from around Roosevelt,
and most of the sounds have a local meaning attached to them.
Here are the lyrics:
He knew he had an answer
He knew he had a plan
All the others were just stupid
He knew he was the man
Oh he was a *thoughtful* man
Oh yeah, a righteous man
"We are men of God" they told us
and we come to you in peace
We are secure in our convictions
and strong in our belief
We would like your understanding
we will take it as it comes
and then they brought their guns...
they brought guns into our town
This one is a scholar
And there's the lawyer they all knew
Those three ladies are retired
The architect, the doctor too
They gathered out of conscience
They gathered for their ground
We are men of God they stated
and for the record we like peace
We only want our faith to flourish
those who oppose us come to grief
We demand your understanding
and your tolerance as well
and then they brought their guns...
they brought guns into our town
His invitation was forthcoming
With his consequence of fear
Friends and homes ripped asunder
You brought the anger here
They came and took our meetings
They came and took our school
We are men of god they shouted
and god is on our side
You're either with us or against us
you can run but you can't hide
We are men of god they shouted
and this community is ours
You can like it, you can leave it
but by god we have the power
and we have our guns
oh yes, we have our guns
we always have our guns
we brought guns into your town
oh we have the guns
and we brought them to our town