Almost Real
NeXT machine
One of my discouragements has been an observation of how academic trends
take shape and become 'hegemonized'. I guess I gots the meme-formation blues...
Anyhow, maybe it's just sour grapes on my part (and I don't really have
much to complain about!), but if you consult most of the computer-music
research articles on "style modeling" or "performance modeling" you
will find a fair amount about how to imitate Mozart or Bach or how
to get a virtual piano-player to play Chopin with more feeling,
but precious little about music outside the western classical canon.
Yikes! There's a whole world of music out there! Things are
changing a little, with new research into real-time style adaptation,
etc. but I'm sad that there hasn't been much more work done into
non-notated traditions. Computers can do that stuff, you know.
I could continue here in a they-laughed-at-me-at-the-Academy!
vein, but I don't know what the point of that would be. Maybe to
give the one or two people who stumble across these web pages
something funny to read. I'm also a little surprised at the
personal observations I'm throwing into these commentary pages.
I wonder why?
The LISP code I used to create this piece can be downloaded