mm-2 (snow)
Brad Garton; February, 2007
UB added December, 2007
more chordal ambience... -- for Macintosh OSX
UB version for PPC/Intel Macs; unpacks to "")
       11.4 Mbytes download -- for Macintosh OSX
(PPC-only version for older Macs; unpacks to "")
       4.5 Mbytes download -- for Windows XP
(be sure to start the ".exe" file [it may be labelled "MaxMSP"], not the ".mxf" file -- it should have a 'snowflake' icon)
       5.8 Mbytes download
Here is a 10-minute piece I did by recording the output of mm-2:
  mm-2 (snow)
Philippe Gruchet did a really nice thing with mm-2. He created
a piece called Etheric Breathing, made by layering
several versions of the application on top of each other.
He describes it this way:
Here is a slightly different demo sample of "mm-2" using 3 instances of
the application duplicated in the Finder, on a G5 Dual.
The first uses your original "aaah-C8.aiff" [soundfile].
The two other applications are based on two custom soundfiles.
The link to the piece is here:
Etheric Breathing     (8:00, 9.2 Mbytes)
Thanks, Philippe!
- The graphics may interfere with the audio, especially on slower computers.
The check-box will turn them on or off (the default is off).
- As always,
I honestly don't know how well the Windows versions will function on
other machines. I ran it on my XP laptop at home for several hours
continuously and it seems ok. I set some default audio parameters that
seem to work will, but people with max/msp may want to overrride them
if the sound is discontinuous (signal vector size of 32, i/o vector
size of 64, overdrive, etc.). My defaults will get set when the app is
loaded, so you will need to change them with max/msp after loading.
Suggestions for improving my Windows apps are always welcome!
- If you run max/msp and have an older version of the
external installed, it may interfere with this application. Be sure
you are using v1.4 or later.
- The special, super-secret Philippe Gruchet feature: type SHIFT-v
and a volume control will magically appear! (SHIFT-v again will
make it go away.)
- Here are the source max-patches for the app (if anyone is interested):
In the OSX source archive is an additional patch, mm-2-fade.pat.
This was actually the original version of the application for OSX, and
it uses Wojciech Kosma's
external to make the little snowflake windows fade up and down. Very
snazzy! I was not able to get the external to build into the standalone
application, though. Darn.
I hope you enjoy this. Drift, drift, drift...
Brad Garton
February 11, 2006
garton at columbia dot edu