- longwaves
  (mp3 format; 17:56 -- 25.8 Mbytes)
Jill and I were walking on the beach, and the sound of the surf next to us
was somehow very captivating. We talked about the wave motion, the
"stereo-ness" of the resulting sound, the beauty of the beach and
surroundings. It gave me some musical ideas to try.
I had a bunch of recordings of Puget Sound from the
COVID lockdown period, so after dinner for several nights I
went down to the studio and worked on some smallish pieces using
those sounds.
I wound up with three I liked; each one using the audio and
'structural' aspects of my surf field recordings in different
ways. The first one took a single wave and progressively
stretched it out in time, adding a few guitar-shredding (ha!
rock star!) arpeggios along the way. The second resynthesized
a very stretched-out wave sound using only a limited set of
harmonics for the reconstruction. Sustained guitar-chords
on this one. The third used an unaltered recording of the waves
but added a resynthesis part based on the amplitude and spectral
structure of the original sound. Here are the three pieces:
- longwave1
  (mp3 format; 5:16 -- 7.6 Mbytes)
- longwave2
  (mp3 format; 7:18 -- 10.5 Mbytes)
- longwave3
  (mp3 format; 7:08 -- 10.3 Mbytes)
As with my
Coronavirus Suite
I discovered that there was enough consistency and coherence
between these three pieces that I could use them to build a
single, longer composition: longwaves. It's slow and
meditative, like my recent "semi-ambient" work. Watching and
listening to the water here is like that.
Brad Garton
March, 2024