So I did, and it was fun. Biden was indeed just awful in the debate, but it was the depth and breadth of Trump's lies that really got to me. The man just lies and lies and lies. And lies some more. The governer of Virginia is engaging in infanticide? There are more terrorists in the US now than ever, thanks to the border policy? And Donald never said that the soldiers dead at Normandy were 'suckers and losers' (IT'S ON TAPE, YOU IDIOT!!!!)?
The pathetic thing was that neither Biden nor the moderators attempted to call Trump out on his whoppers. I wrote Lies to capture some of my dismay that honesty and integrity no longer seem to matter.
I also wanted to try out some new gear and attempt a more 'metal' production scheme. And like I said, it was fun! Rock on, ancient Brad!
Brad Garton
July 1, 2024