The Christian Lepers from India

updated 1/2006

This was our "power trio" rock band -- Brad Garton on guitar, Dave Fulton on bass, and John Koss on drums. We all sang on various songs. The song below was the only studio recording that we completed, although a semi-decent live set exists. One of these days I'll digitize it and put it here. We also made a video, originally recorded by Randy Schwartz, but again it wasn't finished. HOWEVER, Dave Fulton (that great great guy!) completed it years later. If I can find it, I'll also put it up here.

Dave and I ran our guitar and bass through synthesizers because we couldn't really play that well. Ok, Dave could -- I couldn't really play that well. In any case, it sounded nifty. The mp3 below is taken from a CD that Dave Fulton made of a bunch of stuff we recorded together.

I really like the backwards-reverb/echo at the beginning.

1. Hello

all those rights are reserved! All of 'em! copyright 1982 Christian Lepers from India