Brad Garton; December, 2005
UB added November, 2007

an ambient langishness for the new year! hours of nostalgic pleasure! -- for Macintosh OSX
UB version for PPC/Intel Macs; unpacks to "")
       9.2 Mbytes download -- for Macintosh OSX
(PPC-only version for older Macs; unpacks to "")
       2.5 Mbytes download -- for Windows XP
       3.3 Mbytes download
and the one that pre-dated the above; same sounds/different melody...
Brad Garton; also December, 2005

check out
for a more extensive and updated version of this app
- I had finished hohoho-matic just prior to 12/25, but didn't get
the standalone done until a day or so later. So I figured I'd do "Auld Lang
Syne" and pretend to be a Timely Guy.
- I honestly don't know how well the Windows versions will function on
other machines. I ran it on my XP laptop at home for several hours
continuously, but I know that the [rtcmix~] object can be a little
flaky on Windows systems. Plus this is my first attempt at a Windows
standalone with max/msp. Suggestions are more than welcome!
- Speaking of [rtcmix~], here are the source max-patches
for both apps (if anyone is interested):
They're pretty ugly; I did the quick-and-dirty approach to this little
project. You will need the newer
[rtcmix~] v 1.39
(soon to be 'officially' released as v 1.4) for these patches to run properly.
I hope you enjoy these! Here's also hoping that 2006 will be
much much better than 2005!
Brad Garton
December 29, 2005
garton at columbia dot edu