disney-10.2018 (videos)
short videos from our trip to Disney World, October 2018
(click on the photo to see the corresponding mp4 file)
Shai sees a giraffe from our hotel (Kidani Village)
Shai says goodbye to the giraffe (end of the above video)
doing the "hokey-pokey"
Shai dancing outside the dinosaur park
outdoor show at the Magic Kingdom
outdoor show at the Magic Kingdom (more)
outdoor show at the Magic Kingdom (Lian and Shai dancing)
ending of the Magic Kingdom show (check when the fireworks kick in!)
swimming at Blizzard Beach
floating down the river
umbrella Shai
Shai 'dancing' with Chip...
... and with Dale
I'm riding a pony!
I'm riding a pony! I'm like a pilot!
Good bye, pony