Earlier this year I wrote in my blog that I really like the idea of music as something I can give as a gift to people. It helps with my weird midwestern sense that music should do something, and it also makes me happy that I can share a personal musical idea with others directly. To make the piece craicness, I stole some samples of Dan's fiddle-playing (from his Crisscross and neither Anvil nor Pulley recordings) and Iarla's singing (on his The Seven Steps to Mercy record) and DSP-ed them around.
We covered a lot of conversational ground, from Lamborghinis in German auto showrooms-turned-performance-spaces to the state of contemporary academia. Using a sample from The Seven Steps to Mercy seemed somehow appropriate in my mind because Iarla worked with producer Michael Brook on that project. We had also talked a bit about Michael. I'm fan of his work, too. Like I said, a fanboy.
So I hope Dan and Iarla enjoy this short audio fragment -- my "thank you"
for a very enjoyable evening.
Brad Garton
July, 2013