(mp3 format; 5:05 -- 7.3 Mbytes)
  (mp3 format; 8:26 -- 12.1 Mbytes)
  (mp3 format; 4:17 -- 6.2 Mbytes)
  (mp3 format; 6:08 -- 8.8 Mbytes)
I wrote this in my
February 20, 2013:
My good friend Terry has been going through a pretty rough time recently.
When I was recovering from my stem-cell transplant, he wrote a series of
wonderful compositions he called Healing
pieces. Lately I was feeling disconnected as I do when I haven't been
writing music for awhile, so I set aside time and did this for him:
I hope it can help a little.
After finishing the TSPACE1 (which was originally just called
TSPACE), I started fooling around with the little piano
chrod-sequence I used for the piece. Out of it came several other
pieces I've finished over the past several months. I also
sent them to Terry, and I do hope they helped a little.
I like the idea of music as something you can give, something
focused as a personal exchange. More from my blog along these
Yikes, I'm just linking to my silly blog
right and left in this piece-description text!
I hope Terry doesn't mind. And I'll surely link from my blog to this page.
Links, life...
With the exception of the synthesizer parts in TSPACE1, all
the sounds were derived by signal-processing the piano sound.
Often it was only a single chord or two, or even one note.
I really enjoyed doing these, and I hope some of that fun does get
passed along.
Brad Garton
May, 2013