Because we use Max/MSP in our performance setup (and Gregory is a member of the Cycling '74 company), we planned to do a PGT performance. We also knew that Darwin Grosse (another happy Cycling guy) would be out for the conference. We have had much success performing with Darwin in the past (see here and here), so we decided to ask Darwin if we would join us. Darwin's been doing a lot of work with analog modular synths lately, and he asked if he could borrow one of our CMC vintage models. We set him up with one of our Serge Modular Synthesizers. After spending about an hour getting familiar, Darwin was set go.
Unfortunately it seems that I (Brad, typing this) wasn't. Maybe the scale of the evening (8 separate performances! 10 demos! Hundreds (no joke...) of people! Food! Drink!) caught up with me, or my brain is old and tired, but when we sat down to play our set it I discovered that none of my audio inputs were functioning. I finally got part of my setup going, but in my flustered state I neglected to turn on the audio recorder.
Fortunately Terry had set set up a video camera, and it also recorded ("live") the audio. The soundfiles and (obviously) video files above were taken from the camera mic, so the quality isn't the best. I couldn't resist, so I made one version with a teeny bit of additional processing. Hey, I'm a DSP guy!
Also fortunately a few people took photos of the event. The above
pictures were on a site called,
run by someone who calls himself "sync24" (or that's the best I can do with
a bit of googling -- I like to give attribution, but...).
The following were taken from good friend
Art Kaye's blog.
Thanks Art!