PGTG: May, 2009 Recordings
(5/29/2009 -- 6/1/2009)

(all mp3 files)

Darwin and Gregory came out for the fabulous Roosevelt House Tour/PGTGTr Performance, but we (PGT) also had an Ulterior Motive. We've decided to do a series of "PGT +" recordings with other musicians and improvisors we respect, the ultimate aim being to establish a web site or CD-box release just stuffed with amazing and fun sounds. And in fact this Ulterior Motive hides and even more Ulterior one: we really enjoy life while doing these things!

While Darwin was here for the Saturday event, we set up in Terry's and my (Brad's) house and recorded until our recording bones were totally weary. Plus we had good food, including an odd trip into NYC for dinner. Enjoy life, yeah! It's kind of appropriate that Darwin be one of the first of these that we do, as it was our performance with him at the Cycling '74 AES Party at the LEMURplex a few years ago that inspired this venture. Thanks Darwin!

The four 'short' pieces at the end of the above list were recorded for the next installment of the Vox Novus 60 x 60 project; we were asked to send in something for consideration during our aforementioned odd trip to NYC. When Gregory and I heard them, we both thought "wow, they should be mixed all together!" The final PGTG-short-bradmix piece is my attempt to do that.

Just for the record, the 'friday' and 'sunday' pieces above were recorded at Terry's house in Verona NJ, and the 'monday' pieces were recorded at my house (me == Brad) in Roosevelt NJ.

A few pictures from the weekend (Gregory is sending more, I'll link them in later):