PGT-G(D): Lemurplex Club Performance, Brooklyn, NY
(all mp3 files)
Those fun fun folks at
Cycling '74
(the producers of max/msp)
asked if could play at their
123rd AES Convention
party (actually Gregory Taylor, who works for Cycling, said
"youse guys oughta get us to play, we're free!"),
so we did. The really terrific part was that
Luke Dubois
did the amazing r/t video while we performed, AND we were joined
on-stage by none other than
Darwin Grosse
using his newly-built WII objects with WII controllers. WIIIII!!!!!!!
Some day we'll get Luke's work at these semi-infrequent performances
up here, too.
Terry Pender -- mandolin
Brad Garton -- laptop
Gregory Taylor -- laptop
Darwin Grosse -- WII controllers/laptop
Luke Dubois -- visuals