PG: Ambient Pancake Breakfast (RAP fundraiser), Roosevelt NJ
(all mp3 files)
Next year is the 25th anniversary of the
Roosevelt Arts Project,
and as we imagined last April what
we might do for the current season, I thought it
would perhaps be fun to do a 'pancake breakfast' to raise money for
the quarter-century celebration. Food and music -- always good together!
Jill did the pancake-cooking (yay!), and Terry Pender drove all the
down from his home in Hopewell Junction NY, and we surrounded those
pancakes with PG ambient music. Behind us as a backdrop, I managed to
get permission from Roosevelt friends/neighbors
Ani Rosskam
Bill Leech
to display their work. Great fun!
We had a really good turn-out, and the good friends, food, conversation and
art reminded me once again how much I enjoy living here.
Terry and I just played and played...
Terry Pender -- electric guitar
Brad Garton -- laptop, piano
Some pictures: