FG: Roosevelt Arts Project "Designs for Roosevelt" Performance
(9/28/2014, 10/18/2014)


In the 2013 spring semester, Roosevelt resident, good friend and professor of Landscape Architecture Kate John-Alder (scroll down on that page for Kate) had her LA seminar students use Roosevelt as a project. They looked at the history, culture, environment, current situation, etc. and imagined "interventions" that could be done to promote a healthy and vibrant future for our little Borough. Jill and I were guest presentors in the class and also served on the final jury for the projects (along with neighbor Ani Rosskam). The work the students did was fabulous, so I suggested that they present the final projects from the class as part of a Roosevelt Arts Project event.

The evening was structured in three parts. The first was set up so that our neighbors could come in and view the 'boards' that the students had done describing the various things they had imagined. Following that, Kate and several of the students talked in more detail about the specifics behind each proposal. This led to an open/panel discussion about Roosevelt's future, with cookies and cider at the end. It all worked very well. Who knows what the student projects might initiate in town? There was a lot of talk about locating a "brew-pub" in the Borough, complete with local hops grown with organic composting of the residual. I could live with that!

During the "viewing" and "cookie/cider-consuming" periods, I thought it might be fun to have some 'ambient' music happening. Because I've enjoyed playing with Karl Fury so much (see here and here for past FG sounds), I asked Karl if he wouldn't mind being part of the "Designs for Roosevelt" lounge band (i.e. me and Karl). Karl has a lot of connections to our town, and he happily agreed.

yes this is Karl and Brad

NOTE: The two "perform" pieces above are from the RAP evening. The first one was done during the "viewing" and the second during the "cookies/cider". The second piece was actually about 5 minutes longer than the recording here. Like a dummy I had neglected to clear off sufficient storage space on my digital recorder and it filled the SD card just before we finished.

Also, the two "rehearse" pieces were actually done several weeks before the RAP event. I guess it could be construed as a rehearsal, but really it was just an excuse for Karl and I to get together and jam again. I had planned to put both of the "rehearse" pieces on-line shortly after we did them, but my laptop suffered a massive logic board failure and had to be sent back to Apple for repair. When I got it back, one thing led to another and the RAP event was upon us. So here they all are.

some photos from our 'rehearsal':