Jurema Action Plant
an interactive bio-machine by Ivan Henriques
Jurema Action Plant aims to empower plants by enabling them to
use similar technologies as humans use. It is also explores new ways of
communication and co-relation between humans, living organism and a
machine. The Jurema Action Plant responds to human touch and you can't
help but wonder if it has feelings, memory, consciousness?
Ivan Henriques is
a multidisciplinary artist and researcher working in multimedia
installations examining different perceptions of time, memory and
environment. He create in his works exploring hybrids of nature and
(technological) culture creating new forms of communication between
humans and other living organisms.
Ivan won several prizes for his
work, among them for Jurema Action Plant and EME (Estúdio M óvel
Experimental) - Experimental Mobile Studio from 2008 till 2010, a
project selected and funded by the Secretaria de Cultura do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro and Conexões Artes Visuais, Brazil. Lately he
exhibited his works internationally, participating in festivals,
residencies, talks and exhibitions. Recently he finished his MA in
ArtScience Interfaculty at the Royal Academy of Arts and Royal
Conservatoire of Music, The Hague/NL.