The Reader
by John S. Lathram III
The creation of this work is based on the integration of an organic
structure (tree branches) with mechanical parts of motors and cams to
an entity that appeares to the viewer to be an object of not individual
parts, but a complete living structure. In order to achieve this task, I
is necessary to give this structure a task of human scale to
achieve. The branch and cam structure is placed upon an old wooden chair.
As the cam moved the branches back and forth from its main component,
another branch reaches out towards a pedestal and turns the pages in an
book of Shakespeare. The end of the "hand" branch which turns the pages,
contains a micro camera, which projects the image of the book upon itself
and the wall behind it. The sculpture then becomes a tree "reading" a
The entire installation is one of subtle beauty and grace with the
slowly moving, the pages being turned by the branches, and the shadow play
created by the projection. By using items which humans relate to, i.e.,
chair, dusty tomes and tree branches, I am able to induce an emotional
fondness for the sculpture. The Reader is an example of how I
choose to
incorporate human tasks, organic structures and inorganic mechanics into
complete working system, therefor possibly creating another "life form".
John S. Lathram III is an artist.
Other works in progress by Lathram include the installation, Twelve
Trees which was shown at Acme Art Company, Columbus,2002. This was an
installation of twelve trees each which played one note of the 12 tone
scale using violins and marimbas and simarly situated in chairs as is
The Reader.
thanks and credits:
links: (click on Arts->John
Lathram's kinetic trees)