Paper presented at the IMS 2022 conference in Athens, Greece on August 23, 2022

Bridging the Tonal/Atonal Dichotomy:

Some Principles of Pitch Organization Across the Border

Akira Takaoka
J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo College of Music, Tokyo, Japan


1. Introduction

2. POSITION-FINDING: Browne(1981), Butler(1989)

3. Stravinsky’s Choice of Pitch Materials

4. Issues of Current Atonal Theory

5. Analyses of Webern's Op. 27 and the Large-Scale Structure of "Liberame"

6. Conclusions: Some Principles of Atonal Pitch Organization


1. Introduction

The present study argues that:

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2. POSITION-FINDING (Browne 1981)

POSITION-FINDING: According to Browne (1981),

When we listen to tonal music, we constantly try to find in which one of the 12 diatonic sets we are currently located.

We constantly try to find our POSITION in one of the 12 diatonic sets.

2.1. POSITION-FINDING in Tonal Music

Example 2.2: J.S. Bach, Concerto nach Italiænischen Gusto, BWV 971, mm. 1-4.

The phrase shows a simple alternation between I and IV chords in F major.

Example 2.3: Key inflection in m. 4

C scale on F                                 C scale on Bb

Example 2.4: Two possible POSITIONS up to the first beat of m. 3.

Psychologist David Butler elaborates on the idea of POSITION-FINDING and proposes what he calls the Intervallic Rivalry Model:

Intervallic Rivalry Model (Butler 1989):

"... Any tone will suffice as a perceptual anchor -- a tonal center -- until a better candidate defeats it. The listener makes the perceptual choice of most-plausible tonic on the basis of style-bound conventions in the time ordering of intervals that occur only rarely in the diatonic set; that is, minor seconds (or enharmonics) and the tritone. (238)"

Because of the "style-bound conventions," we initially find our POSITION in C scale on F but, with the E in m. 3, we find our POSITION in C scale on B to be a better candidate.

In addition, psychological experiments by Butler and Brown (1981, 53) demonstrate that,

We need as few as three pitch classes, two pitches a tritone apart and another single tone, as "a reliable aural cue to tonic."

Butler and Brown (1981) call such diatonic trichords "Minimal Tonal Cue-Cells" to carry out POSITION-FINDING.

Example 2.5: POSITION-FINDING with a tritone with another pitch class

With a single IC6 and another pitch-class, we can find our POSITION in one of the 12 diatonic sets.

When we identify a diatonic set, since not all the seven members of the set have to be present, we must be able to find our POSITION in non-tonal contexts as well.

Working Hypothesis:

In some atonal contexts as well, we constantly try to find our POSITION in one of the 12 diatonic sets with the aid of what Butler and Brown call a "minimal cue cell," that is, a trichord consisting of a tritone and another pitch class.

2.2. POSITION-FINDING in Some Atonal Music

Example 2.6: Arnold Schoenberg, Drei Klavierstücke, Op.11, No.1, mm. 1-3.

Example 2.7: Drei Klavierstücke, Op.11, No.1, a minor triad in m. 4.

Does the phrase resolve in D minor?

Example 2.8: POSITION-FINDING in C scale on F

Is the way the pitches are organized in Schoenberg's Op. 11 so that we can carry out POSITION-FINDING just an accident or intentional?

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3. Stravinsky’s Choice of Pitch Materials in His 12-Tone Compositions

3.1. Stravinsky’s Compositional Process of "Libera me" from Requiem Canticles

The compositional process of Stravinsky's 12-tone pieces:

When Stravinsky composed 12-tone pieces, he

Step 1: chose a tone row as a pair of unordered hexachords,

Step 2: derived subsets of the hexachords, and

Step 3: arranged the subsets to make harmonies.

At each step, he used not all available pc-sets but chose only some of them for his compositions.

In other words, he preferred some particular pc-sets to the others.

Example 3.1: 12-tone rows chosen by Stravinsky

Example 3.2: Frequency distribution of all the row classes

Example 3.3: Frequency distribution of Stravinsky's row classes

3.2. Stravinsky’s Choice of Tetrachords for "Libera me" from Requiem Canticles

Stravinsky chose 12-tone rows as pairs of unordered hexachords first and derived pitch materials for harmonies, motives, and melodies.

Stravinsky chose the following two 12-tone rows for his Requiem Canticles:

Example 3.4: Twelve-Tone Rows Chosen for Requiem Canticles

Example 3.5: PC-Sets in "Libera me"

At most 6C4 = 6!/(6 − 4)!4! = 15 different tetrachords can be derived from a single hexachord
(6C4 is sometimes denoted as C(6, 4), C6, 4, or C 6 4 ).

Example 3.6: Tetrachords derived from the 12-Tone Row Chosen for "Libera me"

Example 3.7: The Relative Frequencies (R_Frq) of the Tetrachordal Subsets.

Example 3.8: The Frequency Distribution of the Tetrachords chosen by Stravinsky for "Libera me."

Stravinsky's choice of those tetrachords is intentional.

Then, why did he prefer 4-22, 4-Z29, and 4-13 in particular to the others?

Tn/TnI types can be categorized into the following three Tritone-Sensitive Collections, TS-Collections for short, with respect to POSITION-FINDING:

TS-Collection 1:
Subsets of the diatonic set with no tritone
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I Frq
4-10 [0235] <122010> [0235] 1
4-11 [0135] <121110> [0135] 1
4-20 [0158] <101220> [0145] 1
4-22 [0247] <021120> [0124] 4
4-23 [0257] <021030> [0123] 1

TS-Collection 2:
Subsets of the diatonic set with a tritone
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I Frq
4-13 [0136] <112011> [0136] 4
4-Z29 [0137] <111111> [0146] 3

TS-Collection 3:
Non-subsets of the diatonic set
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I Frq
4-5 [0126] <210111> [0157] 1
4-Z15 [0146] <111111> [0137] 1

Example 3.9: Classification of tetrachords chosen by Stravinsky with respect to POSITION-FINDING

We can carry out POSITION-FINDING in "Libera me" because most tetrachords chosen by Stravinsky are those of TS-Collection 1 and 2.

Next, we need to examine to what extent the TS-Collections are determining factors for phrase formation, melodic contours, and large-scale structures of atonal compositions.

But, before doing that, we need to discuss some methodological issues first.

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4. Issues of Current Atonal Theory

4.1. Issues of Segmentation

We are now dealing with something unknown, unknown categories of musical entities that are characteristic of atonal music and equivalent to triads, scales, nonharmonic tones, functions, cadences, and so on in tonal music. Each style of music is characterized by its own categorization of musical entities.

I started with my personal impression of the way Schoenberg's piano piece is heard and hypothesized that we carry out POSITION-FINDING in atonal music as well as tonal one. And my whole arguments so far rely on that personal impression.

I'm quite aware that, for many music theorists, the way I'm handling the issues of atonal pitch organization seems too intuitive and too much relies on personal experiences.

I would like to defend the way I tackle the issues of atonal theory now. Let me start with issues of segmentation.

Segmentation (categorization into musical kinds)

"The procedure of determining which musical units of a composition are to be regarded as analytical objects. (Forte 1973, 83)"

"Atonal Kinds": analytical or compositional units and their relations characteristic of atonal music.

What we still don't know are those Atonal Kinds.

4.2. Issues of Similarity and Categorization

To find atonal kinds, many similarity criteria have been proposed by music theorists. They are based on the following assumptions:

"Similar" entities or relations share the same properties and hence belong to the same set and form a category, or a musical kind.

A musical kind can be defined by specifying the properties shared by its members.

It is a common practice in pc-set theory and transformational theory to define similarities with respect to shared properties such as the number of common pitch classes or interval classes and to classify transformations, set-classes, or their relations accordingly because it is assumed that those “similar” entities or relations should belong to the same set and form an atonal kind.

Forte (1977), for example, defines the following types of similarity relations:

For instance, if two pc-sets have the same cardinality and only one pitch class is different, they are called "maximally similar."

The assumptions above are not plausible, however, and all the similarity criteria proposed so far do not work for the following reasons:

1. ANY two or more entities have some properties in common.

2. ANY Properties can be put together in any arbitrary ways.

Because issues of categorization and similarity have been discussed extensively in the fields of analytical philosophy and philosophy of science by philosophers such as Rudolf Carnap, Nelson Goodman, and W. v. O. Quine, let me outline what their arguments about categorization and similarity would be like if applied to current atonal theory.

1. Any two or more objects have some properties in common but they do not necessarily look similar to each other.

Consider, for example, the following three sets:


Set A = {five computers},
Set B = {four books, one chocolate parfait},
Set C = {Palestrina, Bach, Ravel, Stravinsky, Kern}.

Then, sets A, B, and C are all members of the following superset F:

Superset F = {x | x is a set of size 5}

So, because the sizes of sets A, B, and C are all 5,
A, B, and C are members of the same superset F

But, although they share the same property and belong to the same superset F, sets A, B, and C are not similar to each other.

In other words,

ANY two or more objects have some properties in common and can be members of the same set no matter how "different" they are.

In addition,

2. Any Properties Can Be Put Together In Any Arbitrary Ways.

For example, the following is a set of creatures defined by the combination of two properties:

Set S = {x | Using_a_Double-Articulated_Language(x) ∧ Having_Six_Feet(x)}

These strange creatures share the same properties with human beings and six-foot insects.

So, if kinds are defined solely by properties, because they share property "Using_a_Double-Articulated_Language(x)," we find the creatures similar to human beings and both the strange creatures and human beings are members of the same category, or of the same kind of creatures.

Needless to say, we don't believe that the creatures and human beings are similar to each other or they are of the same kind.

Even if two or more different pc-sets or transformations share the same properties, they are not necessarily similar to each other for the same reason that the strange creatures and human beings are not similar to each other.

In short,

"Similarity cannot be equated with, or measured in terms of, possession of common characteristics" (Goodman 1972, 443). "The grouping of occurrences under a work or an experiment or an activity depends ... upon the possession of certain characteristics" (440; emphasis added).

And I believe that, in the case of the categorization of pitch materials of atonal music, those "certain characteristics are the tritone-sensitiveness.

"...the similarity notion [that is, categorization], starting in its innate phase, developing over the years in the light of accumulated experience, passing then from the intuitive phase into theoretical similarity. . . " (Quine 1969, 136ff ).

Therefore, as a theory develops, experience-based notions such as POSITION-FINDING will be replaced by more theoretically entrenched ones. Since my formulation of principles of atonal pitch organization is still in its infancy, it cannot help but rely on experience-based notions and categorization.

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5. Analyses of Webern's Op. 27 and the Large-Scale Structure

5.1. Coordination of POSITION-FINDING, Melodic Contours, and Phrasing

Webern's Piano Variation OP. 27 is in ternary form, ABA'. Section A consists of four phrases a-b-c-b'.

Each series form is stacked with its retrograde counterpart as shown in the following example:

Example 5.1: Series-form arrangements in Section A from Webern's Op. 27

Phrase 'a' from Webern, Op. 27, mm. 1-7

For this piece, Webern chose a tone row. Two of the every consecutive three pitch classes form a tritone.

P0: R0:

Example 5.2: Phrase 'a' in mm. 1-7 from Webern's Op. 27

The probability of the choice of the 12-tone rows for Webern's Op. 27

TS-Collection 1:
Proper Subsets of the Diatonic Set:
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I
3-2 [013] <111000> [025]
3-4 [015] <100110> [015]
3-6 [024] <020100> [024]
3-7 [025] <011010> [013]
3-9 [027] <010020> [012]
3-11 [037] <001110> [014]

TS-Collection 2:
Subsets of the Diatonic Set with a Tritone:
Minimal Tonal Cue-Cells:
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I
3-5 [016] <100011> [016]
3-8 [026] <010101> [026]
3-10 [036] <002001> [036]

TS-Collection 3:
Non Subsets of the Diatonic Set
Name Tn/TnI I-Vector M7/M7I
3-1 [012] <210000> [027]
3-3 [014] <101100> [037]
3-12 [048] <000300> [048]

The total number of the 12-tone rows that satisfy these conditions is:

12C4 = 495
495 * 6 * 4 = 11880

Thus the probability that such tone rows are chosen randomly is:

11880 / 12! = 0.0000248

In other words, if you pick a tone row randomly, you get such a tone row approximately once every 50,000 trials.

So, it's quite likely that Webern deliberately chose the tone row so that he could arrange a series of trichords each of which consists of one tritone and another single pitch class.

Example 5.3: Symmetrically complementary relationships of melodic contours

The first two measures:


Example 5.4: Coordination between the melodic contours and POSITION-FINDING

5.2. A Large-Scale Structure with POSITION-FINDING

Resources provided by the diatonic set are utilized in not only local events but also the large-scale construction of an entire movement or piece of some atonal music.

In m. 6 in Example 5.5 below, the two consecutive diminished 7th chords, with which POSITION is LOST, make the subsequent progression from the dominant pedal to the tonic even more convincing.

J.S. Bach. "Prelude" in C major. Das Wohltemperirte Clavier I, BWV 846, presented in four-bar hypermeter.

Example: 5.5: States of POSITION; S(uggested), C(onfirmed), F(ound), or L(ost); and transitions

5.3. A Large-Scale Structure in Stravinsky's "Libera me"

A similar large-scale structure in terms of POSITION-FINDING is found at the end of Section a' from Stravinsky's "Libera me"

Example 5.6: PC-Sets in "Libera me"

In the entire movement of "Libera me," LOST POSITIONS are located at the end of Section a' preceding the Coda section shown below:

Example 5.7: LOST POSITIONS before Coda in "Libera Me"

Example 5.8: Stravinsky, Section a' and Coda from "Libera me"

It seems as if, for these tonal and atonal compositions, J.S. Bach and Stravinsky used the same archetypal plot. One of our favorite plots is recounted as a new story with new pitch materials so that we can appreciate it from a fresh perspective.

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6. Conclusions: Some Principles of Atonal Pitch Organization

Some Atonal Kinds

6.1. TS-Collections

Example 5.9: Availability of TS-Collections in Row Classes

Stravinsky chose only those set classes enclosed in blue that yield subsets from all the three TS-Collections.

6.2. States and Transitions of POSITIONS

Four States of POSITION:

      1. FOUND,
      2. CONFIRMED,
      3. SUGGESTED, or
      4. LOST.

Two Transitions of POSITION:

      1. SHIFT, or
      2. LEAP.


In tonal music, we always try to find our POSITIONS with respect to the tonic and the diatonic set in the main key, which is the absolute referential point.

By contrast, in some kinds of atonal music, implied diatonic sets are not related to a single referential diatonic set. Instead, it seems that those implied diatonic sets adjacent in a time dimension are related to each other in terms of their relative distances on the circle of fifths. In some atonal contexts, pitches are organized with the Atonal Kinds in such a way that we can carry out POSITION-FINDING.

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Akira Takaoka

New York
August, 2022

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